Tag : Reasons EDC

Category: Reasons EDC

Cultivating an Anti-Diet Mindset

Each May 6th, International No Diet Day offers an opportunity to say a wholehearted “no” to diets and diet culture. Beyond a yearly observance, we each have an opportunity to reject dieting and the culture beneath it every day. How do we start? In a world dominated by news, TV, [...]

May 9, 2022|

Eating Disorders and the Black Community

Each year, the culmination of Black History Month coincides with Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Within the eating disorder treatment community, we often state that, “eating disorders do not discriminate.” This is true in so far as eating disorders impact people of all races, genders, ages, sizes and socioeconomic backgrounds. However, [...]

February 25, 2022|

Not One More – Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2022

Not One More life lost to an eating disorder; this is our hope for the future and what Reasons is committed to strive for. Change happens when we have the hard conversation, collaborate together and take action. Reasons is honored for the opportunity to collaborate with the National Alliance for [...]

February 23, 2022|

Compliments That Count

“People don’t usually compliment your character.” – Taylor Swift When you think of a compliment, what are the first phrases that come to mind? For many of us, the compliments we typically hear sound something like: That outfit looks great on you! I love your hair. Have you lost weight? [...]

January 18, 2022|

Considering the Crossover of Eating Disorders and ADHD

October is ADHD Awareness Month, a perfect time to explore the intersection of ADHD and eating disorders. What is ADHD? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological condition of self-regulation that has a profound impact on executive functioning. ADHD is a form of neurodiversity, along with other conditions like [...]

October 19, 2021|

Perfectionism and Eating Disorders

Perfectionism is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as “refusal to accept any standard short of perfection.” From a psychological perspective, Wikipedia defines perfectionism as “a broad personality style characterized by a person’s concern with striving for flawlessness and perfection… accompanied by critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others’ evaluations.” While [...]

September 24, 2021|
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